Pipsqueak's Thunder Plunder

Metadata source: https://web.archive.org/web/20130310072435/http://fearlesspie.deviantart.com/art/Pipsqueak-s-Thunder-Plunder-306735994
I got on EQD! That is definitely one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me. Anyways...
1. The cannonballs are now a much brighter shade of gray.
2. Pip's sword range is slightly longer.
3. New death animation for the charging enemy.
4. New "You've won!" screen at the end.
5. Mute button.
6. A lot more charging enemies in the last level.
Also, it's supposed to be an eye patch, not a black hole eye of death or anything like that. I suck at art, sorry.
I don't remember who exactly, but when this song originally went up on EQD someone commented something along the lines of "Someone should definitely make this game." Well, unknown contributor, I hope I did not disappoint.
Anyways, I also liked the idea of turning it into a game, so I did. I hope you all enjoy it, and please give me any feedback you can.
Background music and original song by Interrobang Pie, of course.
Sprites created by Desktop Ponies