Pit Dwellers

I had the idea for this game when I woke up one morning so I scribbled it all down on paper and the game itself took about a week to create in SwishMAX and another week to more or less re-do it cus the initial version was basically not good :wink: The creature was created in Zbrush and animated in Cinema 4D!! Theres a couple of unlockables at level 4 and 6, an art gallery with a few pics and an insanely hard "survival mode" plus after level 4 you sometimes get the chance to "Nuke em" A health powerup drops on the right side occassionally, click it to topup your health!! A Nuke em power up appears in the top left after level 4 occasionally, click it wipe em all out!! EDIT: Thanks for the views and Favs' and the 5th place daily position! WooHOoo 20,000 plays, thanks to everyone who has played it so far and for all your comments/crits much appreicated!! New game coming very soon....