Pitch's Training day


This time is a birthday present for Pitch! 8D...I mean :iconpimander1446: 8P

Here you have an interactive animation. That means, that between "start" and "replay" button, there is one more 8D (seriously, some people missed it -_-).

It's the first time I had to code in AS3, so wasn't sure how it turn out, but it ended surprisingly good 8) Also some sound glitches can occur (Tried my best, but could't find the source of them D8).

Squeaky Pitch belongs to :iconpimander1446:

Think Pink belongs to :iconestories:

Special thanks for :iconcrelyous: for idea of putting Think Pink image on punching bag 8)

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: maximussolini
Language: en
Year: 2015