PixelShy: Grooming

v1.1 Updated the help screen and added a reminder about it
At long last, another PixelShy minigame is up!
Special thanks to Schmuzart, Gustavo Capote and BerginatorGaming for helping with funding the project. You guys rule!!
It took way longer than normal due to me changing jobs, but I plan to have much much more free time now, so the next one should come.. who knows, still this year maybe?
My Patrons were able to play the game a bit earlier their feedback was fun to implement ^\_^
As usual, I've learnt a few bits about flash, namely:
-rotation ruins animation
-global rotation is nasty
-dragging is nasty when you can't use startDrag()
So, what do you say, ready for some Brushie brushie?
As a bonus, [](https://www.deviantart.com/mysticalpha) uploaded [this](https://mysticalpha.deviantart.com/art/Pull-the-Fluttercord-623644774) :thumb623644774: a few days ago. Fitting, amirite?
Brony on! /)
If you want to support the project, hit my [Patreon](https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://www.patreon.com/DracoBlair) , but obviously just playing the game and commenting is what I love most (yeah, I'm weird like that!)