

Made for Ludum Dare 21 - Theme: Escape

Drill planets til they explode! Features two gameplay mechanics that combine into a whimsical race to escape the firey death of your home planet. Keep digging up more fuel to power your ship until you reach a suitable planet for your greedy ways.

In the Drilling Mode, collect minerals and fuel from the planets core while protecting your ship from the hostile natives. Upgrades are available to power up your ship!

In the Blast Escape Mode, navigate your ship to safety from the blast of the planet you just destroyed...


Planet Selection Screen - Click and select the planets within your fuel range
Drilling Mode - A,S,D or Left, Down, Right to control the drill bit; Space to retract; Mouse to control laser, click to deploy.
Blast Escape Mode - W,A,S,D or Arrow Keys to control ship, Space to shoot

Developer: RosyPenguin
Language: en
Year: 2011