platformer game in the city


i wanted to create a flash game so i did
im still working on it and there are A LOT of bugs
one of my biggest is that it's sample time/reaction time seems slow so the character falls through the floor and lands half way through sometimes

any suggestions for the game along with ANY HELP YOU CAN GIVE would be appreciated

controls: up-jump
down-duck or drop from hanging
space-pain and move down (*only to move from some bugs and to test the health bar)

try to hang off stuff that looks like u can hang from it and if you jump from a high place you get hurt but health does nothing yet :-P

many many more features to come

EDIT: added sliding and fixed some animation bugs but still need help

added music, press m to stop, but doesnt always work, could use some help with that :-/

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: billythegoat101
Language: en
Year: 2009