Pokémon Campaign

A real-time, open-world Pokemon adventure!
Author Comments:
Pokemon Campaign is a fan game set in the Pokemon universe that trades in the series' traditional turn-based battle system for real-time combat. Control your Pokemon directly by using WASD and the mouse to traverse new areas, catch new Pokemon, and take on bosses!
This game has been in development limbo for three years, and it makes me ecstatic to finally be able to present it to the public. It is by far the largest project that I've ever tackled. Thank you so much to everyone who supported it during its development.
P.S. If you come across any bugs while playing that may have slipped through the cracks, please don't hesitate to PM me or mention it in a review. I'll do my best to keep on top of updates. If you don't have a Newgrounds account, you can also contact me at [email protected]
IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING LAG, I have added a quality control option in the top right corner. The graphical difference is almost unnoticeable, and it should make the game run much more smoothly. Thank you to everyone who brought this to my attention.