Pokemon Life Game


Check out my newest modification! I redid the movement system:
:bulletpink: https://nickel-buckle-9.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon-Movement-PERFECT-demo-375215157 :bulletpink:

An update on the progress of my Pokemon Life Game!

* Added tile based movement and collisions
* Redesigned code for pokemon
* Input text added for name under options
* Animated BG items

If you havent seen my character creator dress-up, check it out here:

It will be included in the game, so your avatar and character will be fully customizable. I will also be resigning the dress up layout and adding more items.


note: The red lines won't be in the actual game. It's just to show the boundaries for collisions.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Nickel-Buckle-9
Language: en
Year: 2012