PopFancy Playset


if you right click and press zoom, you can have a close up of the details better! <3

I made this as a gift to :iconmaddie-pie: when I met her at MCM back in May ^__^
It's for a project account that we are making called ~PopFancy
I feel so bad that it's taken me this long to get around assembling this completely in Flash //sobs forever
I'm such a bad friend WAHHH.

I'm sorry this looks so weird XD
It wasn't made to be a Flash file, I made it to be physically printed out LOL.
The file's sooo big that I really had to squish it down to fit it into this >.<

Some rather horrific photos of the real one I made and gave to her c:
It looks all wiggly because of the glue LOL >:c ksjfkds
:bulletpink: [link]
:bulletpink: [link]
:bulletpink: [link]
:bulletpink: [link]

I made one for her sister Bee too:

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Stephanie Evans
Language: en
Year: 2012