

A music video depicting the shallow world of teen idol superstardom.

Author Comments:

UPDATE: Download the remastered song from http://www.hanialee.com/?
Visit Hania's blog for more of her work.
(See Full Description for lyrics)
Yo Guys! Just like to say thanks a heap to everyone who voted for us over at Aniboom! Hania and I are off to LA in Feburary :)
Our hits were more than twice that of the runners up, and we owe much of that to the support from the Newgrounds community. THANKS GUYS!!!
- James and Hania
Created for the 'Aniboom Eyedoll' competition. You can vote for my film here:
http://www.aniboom.com/Pl ayer.aspx?v=9772
If I win I can get funding for my own series, or see an animation agent in LA. That would indeed rock. Votes are greatly appreciated :) All of the animation and music was completed in under a month. My girlfriend made the music, I'm sure she'd love to hear feedback if anyone has any. You can email her at hania_zdunkiewicz@hotmail .com if you're after a musician for your animations etc (depending on how her schedule looks). Enjoy the film and don't forget to vote! :D
http://www.aniboom.com/Pl ayer.aspx?v=9772
Update: Wow! Daily Feature AND front page! Thanks so much to the community for your support! I didn't think the film will get anywhere as much exposure as it's had. Thanks a heap! A few people have commented that the ending feels rushed.
Yeah, it was, I feel your pain :( We had to keep the animation under 1 minute, so it went for 59. 9 seconds. Depending on how the competition turns out, we might have another 5 or 6 seconds to add to it at the end, and another 10 to the beginning.
I'm working on another Flash at the moment, something much bigger in scale. I'll keep the details fairly quiet, but I'm gonna be working hard on it over the next 8 to 9 months.
Popstar was completed in under a month, so hopefully it'll be 8 to 9 times better! Thanks again for all the reviews, and all the votes at aniboom! :)
******** LYRICS FOR POPSTAR*********
So you wanna be a popstar
Do you have what you will need
A set of big bazookas and an ass no one can see
No voice required
No brains nor style,
If you are smart, stardom may take a while...
You're a doll.
A puppet with strings.
If they say 'fly' you better get yourself some wings.
Do you even know what literally means?
(of course you don't)
You're a pop star to be - a pop star to be...
SO you wanna become famous?
Put your face on TV?
Well first you have to pay a writer,
Then learn how to groove - hang on -
Don't groove, Just stick your ass out and move
(hopefully to the beat)
And then smile that perfect smile -
Made by computers.
You are now a popstar
No effort involved!
Fireworks! Stage Performers!
And now behold your fans
People just like you
Sucked in by your boobs ...
Oh how cool!
You're a Popstar...
You're a Popstar...

Publisher: Aniboom
Developer: JamesLee, hania
Language: en
Year: 2007