Portal Panic

Rescue and Recruit NG legends to reclaim the fallen Portal!
Author Comments:
Pbot has gone on a rampage thanks to Blockheads lack of mental processing. You must venture forth and rescue your comrades who have been thrown into corrupt versions of their own domain.
This game was made by Elvidian Entertainment for Pico Day 2012, the characters used are property of various authors with their own movies and games on Newgrounds, go check them out!
(view/change in the menu)
Arrows = Movement
A/S = Abilities/Attacks
Space/Enter = Use Portal or Checkpoint
ESC/P = Pause/Menu
R = Return to Checkpoint
-the Captain is the all-rounder unti
-Pico can crawl in very small spaces
-Dad can smash breakable tiles
-Bitey can Double-Jump
-Salad Fingers can walk on invisible tiles