Professions Advent Calendar 2009


Trauma Center - Fullmetal Alchemist - Flash Calendar 09 - FINAL

EDIT: Merry Christmas to you!

Cookies for those who were actually looking forward to a calendar this yearXD

For those who don't know.. I do a advent calendar thing every year where I upload a picture every day until Dec 24th (we celebrate christmas on that date in germany).

Last year I did a flash calendar and this year.. I am doing one again! XD This year's theme will be professions. so I'll put ed, roy, derek and victor in clothes of different jobs (sometimes I intentionally looked for jobs who totally don't fit them cause it's fun! sometimes it's just randomXD)

I really hope you like it and enjoy December!
Comments make my day~

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: ChibiEdo
Language: en
Year: 2009