Quick animating tutorial

Use the snails to navigate from page to page
Ive used Adobe flash Cs3 animating these. Put it all together in Cs5 because im to lazy to transfere the code my friend made for me xD
NOW there is a lot more detailed info about what is what and so on, but I dont think I would get room for all that in here. There are rules upon rules for what a keyframe is and you have breakdowns xD BUT im not going into details. What I suggest for people who really want to get serious about animating and learning all the basic things is to buy a book called
The Animators survival kit by Richard williams. The animated version is more amazing, so if you are able to rent it at a library DO IT http://www.theanimatorssurvivalkit.com/ All the things you need to know is in there xD
I just explained some stuff in this, hope it is helpfull for someone. *0* ignore typos