QwertyFish - Fishin' for Mission


QwertyFish: Fishin' for a Mission is a "complete enough™" game I salvaged from the remains of another game I had started that definitely WASN'T "complete enough™." My original project, Dick Argonauts: Fishin' for a Mission (In Time), was a time traveling fishing real-time strategy game. The game design was mildly fleshed out, and I had drawn a shitload of fishes. Then I realized that it probably wouldn't actually be that fun of a game, so I abandoned it. I had a bunch of fish graphics lying around, so I started making this. I got tired of making this, but, lo and behold, it was already in a playable state! Since I knew I would never make the effort to "finish" this game (since it was started and ended in roughly a week in August), I decided that I might as well put it online so that people can enjoy it if they want to.

QwertyFish is a game where you mash your keyboard and scream at your monitor in a desperate attempt to catch fish from various time periods that happen to be in the Mediterranean Sea. You can use trade your fish for money which can be used to help you buy things that will help you get more fish. Such is life in our desperate capitalistic world.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: PsychoPop
Language: en
Year: 2013