Rainbow Dash Dodge

Metadata source: https://web.archive.org/web/20150425024738/http://fearlesspie.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-Dodge-300063748
Dodge the cotton candy clouds that are hurling towards you.
Arrow keys to move.
So this game has been made at least 12 or so times already. And compared to the other ones, mine is spectacularly awful. Sorry about that.
Anyways, this is a ridiculously simple game I made to try and test out the software I'm using to build them. It doesn't have any sound, but I'm willing to bet that's not going to ruin the experience. Just plug in your iPod and jam to some Winter Wrap Up while you play.
Special thank you goes out to the ones who make Desktop Ponies. I hope you don't mind I used your characters, but I can't draw in the slightest.