Random Pony Name Generator


Author notes about what Twilight says:

Since there's a few people wondering about the special names that get a unique comment in my pony name generator, I'm posting up this list.

Special Comments:
These ones are only given for specific names. Many of them are references to other things.

Twilight Sparkle
->I'm pretty sure that one is taken.

Rainbow Dash

Flutter Shy
->It says here... "eep."

Pinkie Pie
->"Never leaves home without her party cannon"

Apple Jack
->I haven't seen her around much lately...

Apple Bloom
->"Cutie mark crusader pony namers." I guess that explains that last one.

Scoota loo
->It says "Rainbow Dash is cool" here.

Sweetie Belle
->I really like her mane.

Morning Star
->Huh. This one is being used...
(See: nimbostratus.deviantart.com/ar… )

Lance Guard
->Huh. This one is being used...
(See: nimbostratus.deviantart.com/ar…)

Blazing Saddle
->"He rode a blazing saddle, he wore a shining star..."

Golden Shower
->...I'll pass.

Rainbow Cupcake
->"Life is a party"?

Shining Force
->"Legacy of Great Intention"

Lucky Charm
->"They're always after me." Gee, I wonder why.
->Note: I made a typo when coding this one, so it doesn't actually appear. Whoops.

Night Wish
->"I wish I had an angel"

Hammer Fall
->"No Sacrifice, No Victory"...

Emerald Sword
->"For the king, for the land, for the mountains..."

Sky Walker
->"Search your feelings, you know it to be true"

Divine Wind
->I can't read the caption here, I only see scorch marks.

Random Comments:
There's a 5% chance of Twilight saying something on a non-special name, and all of these comments have an equal chance of appearing.
How's that sound?
That one's pretty good.
I dunno about this one
Did you find a good one yet?
How did they manage to fit so many names in here?
So. much. pony.
There's neat little comments here next to all of the names.
This book has thousands of names!
I like it.
That's okay

If an error allows the name generator to create a name when it has nothing available for one of the words, it will use either "Derping" as a prefix or "Derp" as a suffix.

Here it is! The Flash version of my Pony Name Generator. Also the first real thing I've ever made in Flash. Twilight up top makes occasional comments, and gives a few Easter eggs if you land on certain names.

It accepts the following keyboard inputs:

Generate: Space, Enter, G
Select All: A
Select None: N, Escape

If you're wondering about the stuff Twilight says, go here: [link]

Do not post this to your site without asking me first.

Additional credits:
:iconsigmavirus1: for the library background
:icondipi11: for Twi
Hasbro/Hub for making MLP awesome.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: Nimbostratus
Language: en
Year: 2013