Refund Rush


Win a free Apple iPad by padding your stats in this financial entertainment game, Refund Rush!

D2D Fund's newest financial entertainment game, Refund Rush, challenges the player (whether tax filer or tax preparer) to make the best decisions about how to split their refunds. Clients in the game often face common challenges to savings, like having outstanding debt items or not having a bank account. This fun, fast-paced game comes with important financial lessons, but the real fun is that the highest scoring player between now and April 15 will win an Apple iPad.

One of Refund Rush's main lessons is that Savings Bonds are an easy and safe way to save during Tax Time. In order to remind tax filers that Savings Bonds can be the key to their loved ones' dreams, the we are also hosting a contest that encourages families to think about their own dreams. One lucky winner, chosen from submissions of a one-minute or less video of you (if you're under 18) or your (or your neighbor's, or sister's, or child's) child discussing his or her dreams for the future, will receive $1,000 in U.S. Savings Bonds. For more on the contest and the Tax Time Savings Bonds Campaign, visit the Bonds Make It Easy website. ontest

Whether saving for oneself, gifting dreams or managing debt, Tax Time Savings can be the impetus to year-round savings, creating a new way for tax filers to think about their finances. Here's to starting out the financial new year with only wins!

In order to be eligible for the prize you must register on the official website http://financialentertain I suggest getting good at the game here first before going over to the other site.

Publisher: Newgrounds
Language: en
Year: 2011