REST Office pt. 6


Alt tumblr source with working SWF:

Finally here! It took more than a month to complete, but was worth it! In retrospect, I should take into account these updates are massive. Enjoy!

The whole story [](

1.2.0 Changes:
-Help and hints added after a few failures
-Fixed a bug allowing to skip half the update..

1.1.0 Changes:
-Savegame added
-Added file-2-file communication for all the updates in the series

1.0.1 Changes:
-Nerfed the fly by 20%, improved instructions, added blips when touching consoles

If you want to support the project, hit my [Patreon]( , but obviously just playing the game and commenting is what I love most (yeah, I'm weird like that!)

Series: REST Office
Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: DracoBlair
Language: en
Year: 2014