Rhythm Blaster

Retro-Musical Shooter >>> Really Fun!
Author Comments:
>>> RHYTHMBLASTER V2 is out, check under my name to play it. The second version has NO LAG, 12 LEVELS AND MAC USERS CAN PLAY IT AS WELL.
>>> Press P to pause ingame. You can adjust quality there too.
Can rhythm games mesh well with shooters? Only one way to find out :P RhythmBlaster tries to combine the shooter and rhythm genre of games, with an abstract retro style and 3 fun levels + 1 boss level. Play Highscore Mode to see how you fair against others, or start up Free Play and play for the fun of it with infinite lives! Ive put at least 30 hours of work into this, so please enjoy =D
For new game updates from me check my blog on Newgrounds.