Rhythm Doctor



The free demo above no longer works because most browsers no longer support Flash.
But you can still download the offline version of it above the comments at the bottom of the page.
Some old archived instructions and messages

This game is being turned into a full commercial game,
starting with Early Access release on Steam in February 2021!!

rhythmdr.com | Soundtrack | Facebook | Twitter | a hidden kanye | chords for Intimate | Level Editor

(£1611.05 raised so far! February 2020 update: Thanks, you guys are the best! We are turning off donations for now
while we finish the game. Thank you!

And special thanks to Mehdi Shah for an ambrosial donation of £101, Cong Wang for an auspicious donation of £51,
Jozef for a creamy donation of £40, West for a kanye donation of £31,
Mr Color and for an executive donation of £30, caprachet for a invigorating donation of £30,
Alex for a luscious donation of £30, The Nerdy Musician for a toothsome donation of £25,
Chaz for a nectarous donation of £25, Sam for a scrumptious donation of £20,
Dan for a delicious donation of £20, nic for a buttery donation of £20 and
Pepijn for a super donation of £20!

Get notified when we release by wishlisting on Steam or signing up to our mailing list.
And our Discord for monthly short updates through 2020
and a free level editor.
(we send emails only when releasing things, see a previous email here, it comes with a nostalgic gamedev story)

Experimental 2-player mode: hit CapsLock during a level to toggle. P2 uses the L key.
Experimental speed adjust: hit S or D in level select instead of Enter to play a slowed down or speeded up version.


A one-button rhythm game heavily inspired by Rhythm Heaven!

Expanded version coming February 2021.

WIP Level #0 - ' Steinway' - linked above
WIP Level #1 - ' One Shift More' - SENT! 27th July 2016
WIP Level #2 - ' Supraventricular Tachycardia' - SENT! 27th August 2016
WIP Level #3 - ' Delay Pedal' - SENT! 27th September 2016
WIP Level #4 - ' Delay Pedal 2' - SENT! 27th October 2016
WIP Level #5 - ' Mannequin Challenge' - SENT! 2nd December 2016
Bonus Level #6 - ' ??' - SENT! 28th January 2017
WIP Level #7 - Super Battleworn Insomniac - SENT! 17th March 2017
[long silent period of building up the rest of the levels]

(signing up will also keep us encouraged and working hard
and make us feel fuzzy inside, so thank you <3)

Play our other rhythm game, A Dance of Fire and Ice!

How to Make a Rhythm Game


来自中国的玩家们,向你们问好!十分感谢你们的热心捐款(当然,如想免费下载游戏,在下 载界面中选择"No thanks"开头的链接即可)。
按大小写切换键Caps Lock键可以开启双人游戏模式,第二名玩家按"L"键来进行游戏。 Translation provided by 谜之声.

Publisher: itch.io
Language: en
Year: 2014