Rise of Yalortism


Alpha release, full game was never completed.

It's a Flash RPG. Based around Yalortism.
It's a small screen size for reasons that I cannot be bothered explaining, and because I cannot be bothered to make it bigger.

Arrow Keys make the character move.
The X key is the 'interact' key.
ENTER opens/closes the Menu.

Some things I should note:
* This game is not complete. I cannot stress that enough.
* There are absolutely no women in this game. No females at all. Not yet, anyway.
* It's full of bugs. IF YOU FIND ANY, PLEASE COMMENT!
* The graphics need work. And work they shall have, in time.
* The story is yalortawful at the moment. (eg. There is absolutely no reason why your character should be doing most of the things you have to do). I am working on that.
* There aren't many areas yet.
* It was actually Last Updated today.
* There are five music tracks in this. Only two were made by me, one is from a free midi site (but not from a game), the other two are from the SNES game 'Lufia 2'. It's obvious which tunes I made, because they're crap. But anyway.
* Et cetera.

Tell me what you think needs adding, changing, improving, and so on.

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2005