Ronin Warrior

Off screen, there are many assets and even notes stored for the developers use/ease, which can be seen by expanding the window the game is in.
A hack-n-slash through a fantasy medieval Japan. Swords, blood and necromancy!
Author Comments:
Front Page awesome Thanks Guys! I love the suggestions being thrown around. <3
I'm still sorry that some of you can't play this because you're on a mac (well you can but not as well).
!! SAVE FEATURE Ok so i don't know what's up with this, i updated a while ago and it said wait for admin approval. The save feature works when i use the standalone version on my pc so i assume it would work on newgrounds (i did use SharedObject.getLocal();)
. I'll have to look into this.
A strategy i know works: Dash attack into the enemy and hold the mouse button so that you keep slashing, or dash attak and hold block while moving back from the crowd, then repeat! :)
Hint on Giant boss: Block his first attack! it only does tiny damage if you block it!
Also shift blocks too along with 'F' i forgot to mention that in the tutorial
!!! Apparently this game doesn't work very well on Macs, or maybe it's firefox i don't know, im sorry.
This is my first complete game. I was limited on time so i didn't get everything i wanted in (like a difficulty setting). I am also not a writer so i picked a simple story line. This game is reminiscent of a flash cartoon i made a very long time ago called Hamurai or soemthing like that.
Controls are in the tutorial (please pay attention to the tutorial, it may save you!)
A small part of the character design was inspired by the Madness series. This is a submission for the MaxGames contest. I hope it's supposed to be submitted here too :-/
Please comment, i would love to hear feedback and suggestions.