* Slightly tweaked some numbers
UPDATE: I spent some more time tuning this and here's the changelog...
* The level is now a navigable scrolling space instead of just a backdrop
* Fixed a few bugs with the deletion of objects
* Removed 'hard mode' as tempestkitsune [] put it
* Added finite ammo + ammo bar
* Tweaked game speed
* Added health/ammo/mysterious manual pickups
* Read the watch manual to temporarily transform... zoom about the level and grab all the pickups
It still leaves much to be desired for a first flash game, but I think it's significantly more fun in this update.
I spent all afternoon drawing/programming this. It's got plenty of shortcomings, but I don't think it's all that bad for one sitting! I'm having tons of fun with Flash this week.
Don't forget to click on the character once for controls to work.