

Do you like to RUN? Do you enjoy LEAPING LARGE CHASMS? Has FLEEING HOT LAVA to ESCAPE a MYSTERIOUS PLANET always been one of your hobbies?

If you answered YES to ONE, ANY, or NONE of those questions, you’ll still be in the SAME SITUATION: STRANDED on a PLANET with a CORE of FLAMING LAVA rising to SCALD YOUR FEET!

How do you plan to ESCAPE this DILEMMA? NO! Don’t think about it! RUN! RUN and COLLECT and JUMP and UPGRADE until you can LAUNCH OFF THE PLANET!

You aren’t still reading this, are you? You should be RUNNING! There is no time! No matter what, you must RUN.DON’T.STOP!

Publisher: Kongregate
Developer: Zillix
Language: en
Year: 2009