Sasori Dress-up Game


FINALLY!!!!! Another dress-up game!!!!!!!!! :iconweekenddanceplz: :iconimhighplz:

This time with Saso :iconsasoriplz::iconsasoriunimpressedplz: >w<

Man....I began working on this like, 3 months ago, but then I stopped because my computer kept freezing and it shut down alot of times without saving my progress on this game OTL;; so I got annoyed and didn't want to continue it XP but today I was so frikkin' bored, and I had nothing better to do, so I decided to finish this ^^;

Rofl :lol:

(Ps: I know there aren't alot of items but there wasn't enough place! >.< )

Song: Viva Rock by Orange Range
Sasori (c) Masashi Kishimoto
Flash Game (c) me

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: FancyPancakes
Language: en
Year: 2009