SBURB Main Menu Mockup Flash


EDIT: Made a slight adjustment lowering the volume of the ticking when hovering over the buttons.

EDIT 2.0: Changed the BG so it's no longer just side to side but instead continuous. Blurred a few of the clouds to give some depth (albeit really little.)

Sorry for the INCREDIBLY lazy start screen, they'll get better if I ever do a full on main menu for SBURB.

So I decided to dedicate my time today to re-learning a bit of flash. Just simple tweens, motions, buttons, and stuff. Nothing too drastic!!
Anyway, the original plan for the SBURB Menu Mock up was to make it a flash so that's exactly what I did here! It does stop after a certain amount of time. Idk like a minute or so?

Just a demo I guess lol.

It's not much, but now that I have flash and actually got a small hang on it. I'll prolly start working on fanflashes now (for my fansession lol.)

Anyway!! Song used is SBURBan Prelude [Main Menu] from the Fan SBURB OST. Which can be found here:

EDIT: Creds to the guys who made the song and album art!!
rundoublerun made the album art for both the Main Menu and Options theme from the SBURB fanost--his art blog can be found here!!

normal blog:
art blog:

Aidan/Alex aka Soberlex made the song that was used in the flash! His blog can be found here~

Clouds that were used in this were not made by me just taken/used from the MSPA wiki background.

Homestuck (c) Andrew Hussie
SBURB (c) Andrew Hussie

Took me about two hours to make.
Used Photoshop CS5 and Flash CS6!!

Publisher: DeviantArt
Language: en
Year: 2012