
Some features in the full version are locked for payment. However, today it doesn't work anymore due to the server not working anymore.
Shmusicup (Shoot-music-up) is a hybrid of a rhythm/music game and a shoot'em up where the enemy bullet patterns are generated by any mp3 chosen from your music collection!
Choose an mp3 from your computer or select one of the free songs provided to begin.
Arrow keys - Movement
Z - Shoot
X - Bomb
P - Pause
C - Continue
More instructions can be found in the game, under "How to Play".
Awesome to get awarded "Daily 2nd Place - 05/18/2011"!
Thanks for all the support and votes! If you liked Shmusicup please recommend us for a collection as well! Would be great to be featured in the shooters collection here!
**Major update 09/06/11**
Released Flare stage and Graze mode for free! Experience the intense bullet patterns of Flare!
Thank you as well for all the reviews and feedback, as much as we want to reply to each individual, we are getting quite busy with fixing bugs and testing out suggestions for improvements so we apologise if we missed out anyone. Rest assured that we read through each and every one of the reviews though, so your voices and feedback are definitely heard!
- Update -
21/5/11 - Added error message for players who experience the bug in some browsers where more than one Flash is running
20/5/11 - Fixed album art bug
Note: After much investigation and research we finally found out the problem where some players cannot play the game in some browsers. Unfortunately this problem lies in the Adobe Flash plugin, and is caused when more than one Flash is running (including advertisements). The bug is in the computeSpectrum command, which we used in our game. Adobe has already been notified of the bug and a detailed bug report can be found here: a/browse/FP-147
This problem is most prominent in Google Chrome, whereas most players with Firefox and Safari are fine, although some did reported the issue. (An update to the Flash player should solve the issue in Firefox / Safari). So far there have not been complaints for Internet Explorer.
The game now traps the error and provides instructions on how to work around it. A workaround for this problem is to either close any other Flash running, or run the game in a different web browser. Alternatively PC players can also download the game from
It has been an arduos task trying to fix this elusive bug, and we're pretty disappointed that in the end we need to depend on Adobe's fix, which obviously will take some time.
Very sorry for the inconvenience caused. We hope that Adobe resolves this issue as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!