Sleepy Sierra dress up

An older piece I had bought from the ever so talented I had a few additional outfits made with the intention of a little 'dress up' sort of flash... it just took me forever!
"Sierra, taking a load off her sore feet, relaxes on the bed in just her nightclothes that barely fit over her full-term baby bump. She thinks about the babies inside her, growing bigger and stronger as they fill out her body, just days away from her impending motherhood. She can feel it. Sierra runs a hand over her drum-taut belly, feeling a few stirrings inside, but not as strong as before. She smiled. They were running out of room to move. Soon, she'd be able to hold her precious cargo in her arms, but she knew she'd miss being this close to her little ones. As she yawns, her eyes drooping to sleep, she decides to enjoy her pregnancy for at least a little while longer."
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Flash'd by me