snut's flash draw

this has been finished for like a month i think
to hear music: click the music note on the right! to change alpha: highlight/click on the 100 in the alpha box and type in your desired alpha. you can also change color and line thickness. and if you want to draw in pixels, right click and select quality>low. this could be useful to people without drawing programs, i think.
you can actually make some pretty nice things with this, because of the alpha and all the colors and stuff.
i made this: [link]
done in flash professional 8
as usual! all drawn and coded by me!
and the music is (c) Lullatone :)
I think I fixed the loading problem.
Also, the music loops! yayayay
If you weren't able to load this properly before, i think it should work now.
If it doesn't, please don't comment saying "this won't load WHY." Instead read:
If this doesn't load..
1) keep refreshing
2) right click and select Forward
3) download