SOL: Dawn


An elaborate adventure/RPG with tons of enemies, weapons, and areas to explore.

Author Comments:

Edit: Hey folks, I've just been reading the more recent reviews, and wanted to share my thoughts. First off, thanks to everyone for the enthusiasm and amazing feedback. It's really rewarding to come back and see that people are still playing this thing 3 years later.
For people complaining about length; it's a flash game. Flash as a platform just isn't intended for projects much bigger than this (as I'm learning with the sequel). Besides that, I produced this thing as a one-man team, mostly between 8th and 9th grade. I handled every aspect of the design, including writing an original soundtrack... I'm pretty happy with the length.
For basically every other complaint: I totally agree. I've been working on and off on a sequel for the last 3 years and I've been kind of a perfectionist about it. The combat system has undergone several revisions, as has the plot and many of the levels. I've spent a really absurd amount of time worrying about graphics and more interesting atmospheric effects. I don't know if the game is ever going to get finished, in a lot of ways I'm trying to move on to other things. But, I do think of it as my baby, and really want to see it get done.
Again, thanks for playing, and thank you for all the great feedback. It's very helpful, and it's incredibly gratifying.
wow, daily second! thanks everybody! :D
O.O front page too!?!?!
Regarding the issues with saving: Make sure you have shared objects enabled. Also, be sure to actually click on the game you want to load in the load screen. My brother seems to think it's a little misleading
Finally, Sol: DAWN makes it to Newgrounds :) This game has taken almost 2 years total for me to make, so it's pretty darn big. Some of the later levels can get pretty difficult, so make sure you try and find some more powerful weapons than the one you start with. Some you can buy, but the best ones you have to find through trading quests.
One of my favorite features of this game is the real-time clock feature. Light, wind, and water based attacks will deal more damage during the day, while dark, fire, and earth based attacks deal more at night. Also, magic attacks work similarly to a game of rock paper scissors. Water does more damage to fire enemies, fire more to wind, wind more to earth, and so on. Make sure to keep that in mind while battling enemies.
Well, have fun :)

Developer: Nick Crockett
Language: en
Year: 2008