SOL-File Editor

First, locate and memorise the save data locations on your PC:
%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player
~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/
Then, locate the .sol/save file of the game you want to edit. After finding it and maybe make a backup copy of the .sol file, move it into the Sol file editor's folder located here:
AppData\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\D91j31hoa1*\localflash\soleditor\sol_editor.swf
*This folder name varies by user, usually there's only one folder in the \#SharedObjects\ so simply open that lone folder.
Execute the program through the launcher, and on the upper left-hand side of the screen there's a long input bar, enter the name of the game's .sol file without the extension (if the .sol file name is 'saveData.sol,' input 'saveData' without the '.sol' part) and hit load button located on the right side of the input bar.
Edit the value you want, and when you're done simply hit the save button and close the program.
After that simply move the edited .sol file back to its original save location, and launch the game.
Open SOL editor.swf (from hard drive in FireFox or FlashPlayer stand alone).
Copy SOL-File from original directory to the one of SOL Editor.swf.
Load SOL file by entering name without extension into box and clicking Load button.
Edit the entry you like by changing it’s value displayed in the box on the bottom an clicking Save.
Optional: Make backup
Copy, Paste and overwrite old .sol file.
(someone make video tutorial please, I’m limited by traffic limited internet)
Makeing Backup:
copy .sol file
(only when winrar is installed) right click it and click “Add filename.rar to archieve” to restore you right click the .rar and press extract here
As far as I know, it can read and edit any .sol files.
Shows variable types.
Sets Numbers as Numbers / Strings as Strings.
Saves the filenames of loaded .sol files, no double entrys (saves when load button is clicked).
Removes “.sol” extension if needed.
Treeview with icons for variable types.
Boolean values can be toggled, you don’t have to type 0/1, true/false and are saved after beeing toggled.
Filter for values, object names or properity names.
Filter using regular expressions.
Choose which SOL-File format should be used for saveing.
Will filter for the text in the textbox when the button is clicked.
Exact match means:
e.g.: “name” will not match “names” or “charname”
without exact match it’s like
searchtext in windows search or
e.g.: “name” will match “names”, “nameclass”, “mynameclass”, …
It’s always case sensitive at the moment, meaning “name” will never match “Name”.
Search in: (highlited text is searched)
object: (the dots aren’t matched)
values: it’s clear I think, the values
Regular Exprssion filter search whole paths when searching in object:
example: /my.char/ will be found in
They have to be saved in a SOL file either way, and this is a SOL editor, so it’s obvious I don’t need a real panel for it right?
Indicates the version you are using, set to any other value to reset option on next startup.
Indicates whether to display the variable type behind variables seperated by " : ".
indicates whether to display the values behind properity/type separated by " = ".
AS3 stores SOL files much more compressed it seems, therefore, AS2 will not be able to read them once edited, easy to see when it was AS2 before as the file size greatly decreases (17-> 6kb, 70b -> 60b somewhere about that).
Save in AS2 Sol-File format as AS3 does read them exactly the same and therefore AS3 games will load AS2 Sol files without problems (I tested it).
When you are sure the game is AS3, you should still use AS3 Sol-File format as I think it got other advantages then just the files size i diddn’t figure yet.