Sonic Adventure X Episode II

Act I, Episode II - Calling From Within
Sonic Adventure X Episode 2 is the prequel to the entire series, taking place two months before the events of Street Fighter X Sonic & SA X Episode 1 ! Play as Shadow as he pursues a mysterious calling originating from the middle of nowhere, battle the evil Foot Clan and team up with beloved characters crossing over from multiple universes ! This is one you can't afford to miss !
Before releasing the original copy, a friend of mine teejay-number13, took the game and completely revised it from top to bottom. Turning it into less of a scripted playable movie. and Into an actual beat em up brawler. Special Thanks to all of his hard work and dedication !
*The Highest Scores you receive in each Chapter are placed on the Newgrounds Scoreboard, think you got what it takes to get the highest score among the world ?*
-Also if the game lags due to high quality, right click and change quality to Medium, or Low for optimal gameplay-
Its great to release another installment after all this time, I understand fans of the series have been awaiting a sequel. Please enjoy this action packed installment and don't forget to leave a comment / rating !
teejay-number13 says:
I went ahead and remade this game in Flash CC with AS3. It was my first time making a brawler type game so I learned a lot. I'm still struggling with actual platforming games though. Anyways, if you spot any bugs, let me know.
Arrow Keys Left/Right - Move Left/Right
Arrow Key Up - Jump
Arrow Key Down - Defend
D - Weak Attack
S - Strong Attack
W - Recover (requires energy)
A - Chaos Spear (requires full energy bar)
Control Key - Pause
The Ranking System is based off of how many enemies you eliminate as well as HP you finish with at the end of each area, Good Luck !