Space Lord

Exalted Space Lord, your fleet command center awaits!
Author Comments:
Exalted Space Lord, your fleet command center awaits! What fool would dare challenge your impenetrable might?
Place ships with the mouse. Try to give the "player" a fun time.
(this is a level design puzzle game - complete all 25 waves and you can submit your design to the Hall of Fame for other people to play!)
Space Lord was originally our entry for the Ludum Dare 25 game jam in December. The theme was YOU ARE THE VILLAIN! I thought it was worth polishing up, so I did.
Now it's on Newgrounds! Hope you like it. :)
Newgrounds front page? :o I was totally not expecting that! Thanks for noticing this weird little game. :)
Let me know if you have ideas for NG medals I should add...