SpartaMan II

Megaman with Spartans. This game is made for real men.
Author Comments:
This is a megaman clone, but here's the twist! YOU ARE SPARTAMAN, ARE YOU READY FOR YOUR EXTREMELY MANLY ADVENTURE?
Use direction keys to move, space to fire, plays like a real megaman game.
Also, this game is designed for real men. It is hard, it is CONTRA HARD, if you lack the manliness to complete the game, I suggest you find something else to play with.
Frequently raised comments:
1. The game is too short!
A: If I made this any longer, it would've killed the joke.
2. What are the soundtracks used in this game?
A: In order of appearance:
Megaman 2 Intro
Sparta Remix
Megaman X3 Intro Stage Remix ~ Green Biker Dude Means Business
Megaman 2 boss theme
3. I got stuck.
A: Your mother would be disappointed
4. Will there be a sequel?
A: Upon completion of this Spartaman 2, you should not be looking for a sequel, you should be living on a mountain and wrestling bears.
5. [random sentence ending with I wanna be the guy]
A: IWBTG intro was based off megaman 2, this intro was based off megaman 2, this game was based off megaman 2, this game is also sparta.
6. Where is spartaman 1?
A: I actually did submit spartaman 1, it's just that it wasn't called spartaman 1.