Speedhunters Desert Racing

So can you think you can drive alongside speedhunters? Prove your skills in this Speedhunters Desert Racing game, as you start off your engine and race away into the night. Speed up and keep up the 3d race for as long as it's indicated, making sure you not only survive, but that you also come out as the ultimate speed hunter.
Make sure you pimp-out your car in-between levels and upgrade the acceleration and speed power, improve the impact protection and the braking mechanism, while accentuating the handling of your entire car. Make sure you make good use of your budget and that you upgrade the fancy car just enough to give it a kick and ensure you win 3d speed racing games, anywhere and anytime. let yourself experience the adrenaline of a realistic 3d race, with everything surrounding you making that experience possible and the desert dominated under your wheels.