Spinda Spot Maker


EDIT: Final edit! Scroll down to see the changes
Yay! It's done! My labor of love is finished. :heart:

So I was playing Sapphire one night, nothing to do since I caught and transferred new pokemon to Pearl. I decided to check out my secret base, which on route 113. And everyone knows Route 113. Spindas, baby.

I caught a few cute ones, giving them nicknames according to their looks. It inspired me to make this. :D

I started around December, working on and off a few hours a few days a week. I'm so proud, because I researched codes and experimented and made this all on my own. :D

OH! Gimmie screenshots! Really, I want to see what you guys make!

Knock knock, here's mine: [link]
Your mom said he could take you to the dance tonight.


:bulletred: Red Spots can overlap Beige Spots! This was something I wanted to do from the start, but couldn't figure out a good way to do so. I think it makes the layout look a little bad, but it's all about the Spinda, right?

I suggest you begin by using the Red spots on the left!

:bulletred: You can use more than one accessory now! except for the blushing, sickness, and scared blob..things.

:bulletred: Your spinda can have a longer name now!

:bulletred: Layer orders resolved, no more messy mouths!

Thank you all for the favorites. =) I'm not used to this much love! :heart:

Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: raichu288
Language: en
Year: 2008