Starship Commander

Starship Commander is a , 4x RTS game similar to MOO (Master of Orion), in which your task is to conquer the galaxy. Do this by growing your planets, producing fleets, and destroying the enemy. Building planetary facilities, research technologies, and assemble fleets to protect, and attack.
NOTE: Cinematic mode will show the full 1024×700 res.
In game click & play tutorial, In depth instructions located on the game menu.
14 minute gameplay tutorial video
This game requires:
Critical thinking, lots of mouse clicking, trial and error… and a good ammount of patience. If you are not the kind of person that enjoys games in which you actually have to play well to win, then perhaps Starship Commander is not for you.
Game updates:
JUN 14, 2013 9:35AM
v1.5 (final release)
*revamped enemy AI, enemy now chooses 1 of 3 play styles, Agro, balanced, and turtle.
*Added new difficulty level, INSANE! mode
*Added 3 new Skills, Ship Dealer, Defense Officer, And Miner.
*Fixed a few spelling errors.
*Minor bug fixes.
NOTE: I have already started version 2!, I have been sitting on this version 1.5 for over a month now and decided I better release it before I forget. This will be the last update for Starship Commander v1.
APR 16, 2013 10:43PM
*Major updates to TURN mode
*Turn Speed based on game speed setting
*Spacebar turbo works in TURN mode
*Combat is paused between turns, based also on game speed
*Adjusted tax formula for better balancing
APR 14, 2013 10:29PM
*Add new option to turn off tooltips
*Add new option to turn of orbit rings
*Changed the quick deployment button to a drag targeter, instead of opening the deployment menu.
*Fixed SPACEBAR turbo bug
*Added HOTKEYS for building, research, shipyard, dock and cargo menus
*Added hotkeys for LAUNCH ALL and DOCK ALL
*Added Hotkey list in options menu
APR 12, 2013 10:20PM
*New combat system, no more weakest dies first.
*Added additional info page in instructions about new combat system.
*Added new stat counters to allow for badges
*Fixed Fleet strength bug.
APR 8, 2013 4:26PM
*fixed planet orbit speed to better match game speed.
*Combat will happen before deployment, thus allowing for planetary patrol fleets using auto deploy
*Enemy AI takes its planet population into account when producing ships.