Summoner Saga Chapter 2 Special


Jaaaaaa!!! Summoner Saga is coming again!! =D
In this chapter, You will play as Melody and Lilim.
Sorry I'm too lazy to write the tutorial, but I think you will understand how to play.

For this chapter, I have change a little part of the battle system. Now, You can't use Special Attack when you HP in danger, BUT you need to gain some SP(special point).
Example: If you attack enemy with normal attack, SP will +15 but if enemy attack you with their magic, SP will decrease according to their attack. I hope you like this system =)
And some of new BGM have added.=)

Game, illust, and story by myself
Music by wirarama
and Translated by dantebloodymonarch

If you beat the game once, Gallery mode will available. and I hope You can find some secret in this game jaaa =D hahaha
Oh, yes, You can find some fanservice in this chapter ;p

Series: Summoner Saga
Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: moai666
Language: en, zh
Year: 2008