Summoner Saga Chapter 4

Yay!!=D 4th chapter of summoner saga!!! Finnally i did it!!
The playable characters are tiamat and Chris, but Chris can't fight^^; so he just can use wait command.... but Tiamat is very powerful, she can use attack, skill, magic, and heal.
Critical hit is added!! It's quite rare, but sometimes, you can get critical hit from normal attack. it's will give high damage and SP will increase by 15.
Tiamat's special attack is one of my best work!!=D
and in this time, 4 mission will waiting for you.(usually just 3 mission, right?)
I thinks this is one of easiest chapter.
I hope you like it and if you find any error please tell me.
Game, illust, and story by myself :iconmoai666:
Music by :iconwirarama:
and Translated by :iconamarinuya: and :iconkrisslanza:
Please try also:
Summoner Saga:
Chapter 1(Misa): [link]
Chapter 2(Lilim): [link]
Chapter 2Special: [link]
Chapter 3 (Keith): [link]
Chapter 3Special: [link]
Chapter 4 (Tiamat): [link]
Chapter 5 (Shanti): [link]
Chapter 6 (Cross): [link]
chapter 7 (Ray & Leon): [link]
Chapter 8 (final): [link]
Chapter EX (Rin): [link]
Chapter EXSpecial: [link]