Summoner Saga Chapter 7


Yay=D Summoner Saga chapter 7 is coming jaaaa~~~~.
Playable characters are Ray and Shinning Leo=) You must be careful because the enemies become stronger now~~~.

Battle system isn't many changed with 6th chapter. but in this chapter, "Elemental Shield" is available. This is a shield o guard enemy's magic attack. This skill will be actived randomly.

Next chapter, 8th chapter is the finale... please wait for that.
I hope you like it ja~. if you find any error, please tell me~

Please play also:
Summoner Saga:
Chapter 1(Misa): [link]
Chapter 2(Lilim): [link]
Chapter 2Special: [link]
Chapter 3 (Keith): [link]
Chapter 3Special: [link]
Chapter 4 (Tiamat): [link]
Chapter 5 (Shanti): [link]
Chapter 6 (Cross): [link]
chapter 7 (Ray & Leon): [link]
Chapter 8 (final): [link]

Chapter EX (Rin): [link]
Chapter EXSpecial: [link]
Other games:

Series: Summoner Saga
Publisher: DeviantArt
Developer: moai666
Language: en
Year: 2009