Super Filly Adventure


Jade is a new filly in Ponyville, and her goal is to find her special talent!

Author Comments:

Super Filly Adventure is a short-length game designed for Equestria *Gaming's latest 16-bit Game Contest: http://www.equestriagamin erraria-giveaway.html
This is an adventure game staring a new filly in Ponyville, by the name of Jade. She was to meet up with Pinkie Pie once she arrived, and receive a gift that she had for Jade. However, Pinkie Pie wanted to throw a huge party for Jade before giving her that gift. The main objective of the game is to find Jade's cutie mark / special talent. There ARE multiple endings in this game; go find them!
Also, if you're wanting to license my game somewhere else, at least let me know first before you just throw it up somewhere. For now, I just want this game to be on Newgrounds only, so just link here if you want to post it on your site.
Months of life this game took to make: ~2 sleepless months
Design: Jay6
Sprites: Desktop Ponies (There's a lot of names of contributors for them...)
Music used: 16-bit MLP tracks (mentioned in the game credits), Tales of Phantasia, and Secret of Mana music (It somehow works)
Made using Flash CS4
Artwork drawn in: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
Art/BG Compression: Fireworks CS4
Graphic creating/editing: Fireworks CS4
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is © Hasbro
I did my own commentary of my game with Hax Mega playing and also commentating. You can check it out here (note about the links, you'll need to erase the spaces... sorry about that!)
Part 1 (first 2 endings): tch?v=ZUFDoKFYHBU
Part 2 (blank flank ending): tch?v=AyzDHwaXXjg

Publisher: Newgrounds
Developer: Jay6
Language: en
Year: 2011