Super Morse Code RPG

Des&Grent's submission for Game Jam 4! Our handicap was that the game's controls could only consist of a single button, so instead of making Cowbell Hero, we decided to make a quick little RPG using Morse code.
We ran out of time to come up with an effective in-game tutorial, and I wasn't conscious enough to write one in here last night, but there's a few tricks in the game I feel like I should have brought up:
On the map screen, "Search" will either get you into an encounter at your current location, or enter the STOR (once it's working) if you're at it. You also have about a one-in-four chance to encounter an enemy in a previously visited area when you travel to it.
You will need to train if you want to live. Do this by using "Search" mentioned above.
Grenades are super-powerful. Save them (especially since the STOR isn't working yet).
You can toggle through quality any time you can enter Morse by signaling Q.
There are no checkpoints, and no saves. The game is short enough that I didn't feel like they were necessary. Plus, leveling is super-easy. If you train, you'll be fine, but dying will put you back at the start.
If you're having trouble entering Morse:
This may sound obvious to most of you, but just in case, consult the guide. To signal a dot, tap the space bar. To signal a dash, hold the space bar. Anything less than 1/6th of a second counts as a dot, anything longer counts as a dash, so for dots, tap and release as quickly as you can (as long as the computer still picks it up), and for dashes, hold it as long as you need to. The tone cuts off after a second, but it's still registering as a dash if you keep holding it. If you screw up, make sure you're not entering in another character by mistake (I know I've done it a bunch), then wait for about half a second for the detector to clear. If you wait more than half a second in the middle of a code, it'll clear on you. Also, sometimes if your computer lags really bad, you won't be able to enter anything in effectively. Do your best to signal a Q to change quality.
Also thanks to all the artists of the music we used! There was a ton, but I feel like each track did add something to the game.