Surgery Squad: Vaginal Birth with Epidural


Was originally hosted on, whose Flash games all seem to have been moved to

The files "", "", and "" were missing from the Wayback Machine, but I put in the equivalent files from the Surgery Squad version because they should be exactly the same.

Parent Point version source:

Parent Point version description:
Expecting soon? Parent Point’s Child Birth with Epidural is an interactive walkthrough of the entire birthing process where YOU are in control.

Child birth with epidural anesthesia blocks nerve impulses from the lower spinal segments. In this procedure, medication is delivered through a catheter inserted between the bones of the spine. Our patient will begin to notice the numbing sensation about 10 to 20 minutes after the first dose, however – only a tiny amount of the medication will reach the baby. If you’re one of the over 60% of women who are looking to have an epidural, why not scrub in and help deliver a baby?

Expecting soon? Surgery Squad’s Child Birth with Epidural is an interactive walkthrough of the entire birthing process where YOU are in control.

Child birth with epidural anesthesia blocks nerve impulses from the lower spinal segments. In this procedure, medication is delivered through a catheter inserted between the bones of the spine. Our patient will begin to notice the numbing sensation about 10 to 20 minutes after the first dose, however – only a tiny amount of the medication will reach the baby. If you’re one of the over 60% of women who are looking to have an epidural, why not scrub in and help deliver a baby?

Publisher: Surgery Squad
Developer: Clearly Trained
Language: en
Year: 2013