Sweet Honey Bees

Can you hear that buzzing? Lots and lots of sweet honey bees are living in this charming flower garden here! They're truly hard working, you know, working from down to dusk to produce their tasty honey, but now and then they still need to rest on one of those lovely flowers and buzz your for help, since they can get hungry, thirsty or they might break their needles. Do your best to attend to them all, in due time, enjoying one of the most engaging fun animal care games online!
The moment you step into the garden the very first bee lands on one of those gorgeous flowers, her wish bubble popping up above her tiny head immediately! Be quick to feed her some yummy golden honey, if she's hungry, or to give her some fresh water, if she's thirsty, or to replace her broken needle with a new one if due to some accident she broke it! Carry out all these tasks, fulfilling all these bee wishes as quickly as possible, lest you should keep your poor little buzzing friends waiting on their flowers for too long! They might get upset and leave and you might just lose your chance to get to the next level and prolong your staying in this magic flower garden. Have a blast!
This is but one of our lovely fun animal care games, you know, so expect to find plenty of other equally engaging ones on our website, animated by equally cute little creatures to look after, like Sweet Honey Bees here!