Swords & Potions 2 Toolbox

A resource manager for Swords & Potions 2.
Thanks to Bakablue for the art, and Knarf for the data.
JUN 5, 2014 1:41PM
Swords and potions 2 is unlikely to be still up over the next year, so I will no longer be updating this application. I shall however leave it up, as a showcase for my work. Thanks all, I hope it was helpful :)
FEB 18, 2014 4:22PM
19/02/2014 – Added tooltips with extra data for each recipe. Updated Mindful Staff and Ring of Conservation.
FEB 12, 2014 1:59PM
12/02/2014 – Added a search function.
JAN 23, 2014 8:50AM
23/01/2014 – Added the extra option in the toolbox icon, also the help page, and you can now change the level filtering options.
Click on the resource icons to change the recipe list settings. Green = Used in recipe. Red = Not used. Amber = Either.
All recipes have precraft materials and time added in.