T in Y World


Ludum Dare 23 entry.
Bundled with official and some public user levels.
Some levels that don't exist are also included with 404 data to avoid weird behavior.

- tinyworld.zip: Soundtrack

Sup guys. I made this game in 48 hours for Ludum Dare #23, whose theme was "Tiny World". It is an experimental homage to an old game called ZZT, with some twists like that everyone can edit the game world, making it a Moderately Multiplayer On-Line Rule Playing Game. Other features:

Very expensive simulated color-ASCII graphics
Content & technology double-whammy
False dichotomy
Four new music tracks, including shamelessly self-referential theme song
You can turn off the annoying music
Spoiler 1
Thrilling Computer Science based gameplay
Integrated level editor
Spoiler 2
Boss battle!!

You can play it or get the soundtrack, or both!