Tank Man

Default Controls:
Arrows: Move
A: Shoot
S: Jump
Q: Pause/Weapon Select Screen
Update 6: Fixed the control swap chargeshot glitch. Pending approval, yada yada yada.
Update 5: New swf has been approved, but you can still visit my site of you want to.
Update 4: Added Charge Shot for Mega Man, and Power Kick for Tank Man. While it's pending approval on NG, you can play the newest version on my site at mcsmstudios dot com.
Update 3: Fixed the pausing when entering the boss room glitch. The fix is pending administrator approval. Should show up soon enough. Still working on Charge Shot for Mega Man and Power Slide for Captain.
Update 2: Front Page! Wooh, better late than never! Thanks to whoever did it. I like to think it's Tom.
Update: Added easy mode, and a button to swap the shoot and jump controls.
Tip: If the boulder section lags or you lose control, try closing any unused tabs or programs that might tax your processor, etc.
A cool little one stage game starring the Captain from Tankmen. Worked my ass off on this for the past 2-3 weeks. I hope it was worth the effort. I did most of the art myself, excluding Mega Man, some powerups, and Rush, as well as a hidden cameo from everyone's favourite plumber. Was going submit this on Pico Day, but I don't want to wait 7 months. I even got to put "Still Blastin'" in an actual Mega Man related submission.
Let me know if I missed any bugs. And please provide details.