Tavros Dress Up

*EDIT 2: okay it should be working now*
*EDIT: the God Tier outfit isn't working for some reason. I'll get right on that!*
V2!! I added a few clothes; God Tier, Pupa Pan, a septum ring, rufio hair, and re-arranged some things!!
V1 is here: https://www.deviantart.com/dawna-may/art/Tavros-Dress-Up-Game-253949992
Description from https://www.deviantart.com/dawna-may/art/Tavros-Dress-Up-Game-V2-254069987
*EDIT* V2 is here: https://dawna-may.deviantart.com/art/Tavros-Dress-Up-Game-V2-254069987
This is my first dress up game ever guys ;__; please be easy on me!! I'll update it with more clothes tomorrow I think, but it's two in the morning here and we're going to the zoo tomorrow, so I think this is good for now.
After a few hours of frustration I finally got the programming to work! I used various tuts around the web, and referenced actual HS art for the BG
This page xD: http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=004001
Uhm...and yeah! I used to love playing with these things as a kid so!!
(sc) Hussie