TG War 2016 - The Fighting Game

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I'm excited to finally share this with all of you! It's been a month in the making, and I'm very happy with how it turned out. ;) (Wink)
TG War 2016 is a collaboration fighting/strategy game based on rock paper scissors. 11 characters from 8 different artists are featured, each with their own stats, abilities, and transformations. I am a dummy!
:iconundercoversam: Coding and design.
:iconthemaskofafox: Game art
OC Contributions:
:iconundercoversam: :iconthemaskofafox: :iconthemightfenek: :icongeminim: :iconholeintheheart: :iconjenni-no-mercy: :iconunit1138: :iconkoubon:
If you couldn't join this time, do not fret, there will be more opportunities to get involved with this game the future. :) (Smile)