The Computer Puzzle: Interactive Knowledge Board

Simple computer anatomy. Computer structure in a fun online IT learning game.
The Computer Parts Puzzle is a free online knowledge level game, about the computer structure. Drag and drop the computer parts in their correct places in the computer box. Minute to win it game. A small Computer Science Class puzzle for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. The IT Knowledge Board include 10 hardware parts to play with. Part of the Interactive Computer Tools educational games.
This fun learning game may answer some of the following questions:
Where is the power source usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the mother board usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the processor usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the RAM usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the hard disk usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the floppy disk drive usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the CD- ROM drive usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the video card usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the LAN card usually situated in the computer case?
Where is the sound card usually situated in the computer case?
How to play Computer Parts Puzzle.
There are 10 stylized computer parts around the empty computer box. Drag and drop them in the empty box, where they are usually situated. Sequence is irrelevant.
Knowledge Achievements:
Know 10 computer parts (hardware) and where they fit in the computer box.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.
The download version(bottom of the page) include an executable file for Windows OS with local levels only.
Class subject: Computer anatomy.
What is inside a computer? This is a theoretical model of the stationary computer guts. All parts are situated inside the box - the tower case, which usually is situated near the monitor or under the table. All parts are designated with a simple shape in different color, and there is detailed picture of the part on roll over with the mouse. So let's drag and drop the parts from the top left horizontally.
1. The PSU, or power supply unit, is represented as a big blue box. PSUs are usually situated on the top back of the computer case and it is used to transform the electricity voltage in appropriate voltage for the rest of the computer parts. If we have a more powerful video card for example, the PSU must be more powerful too, thus consuming more electricity.
2. The CD ROM drive is represented in a pink shape. It is usually situated on the top front of the computer case, where it have access to the front panel, so we can put CD's and DVD's in it. In our days CD/DVD drives face the same fate as Floppy drives - they are getting out of use, replaced by flash drives.
3. The FDD, or floppy disc drive is represented with a green hexahedron. Its usual location was with the CD/DVD - HDD block in the top front. As for 2017, there are virtually no new stationary computers with HDD drives. Like DVD, HDD and Flash drives, FDD's were used to store and transfer information.
4. The HDD, or hard disk drive is represented with a red cuboid. It is usually situated at the top front of the computer case, in separated compartment along with the DVD and FDD devices. HDDs may as well be situated in a drawers or positioned out of the PC case, but in a steady position. The hard disk is the place we save, keep, store and archive all files and programs, like games, movies, pictures, homeworks.
5. The Mainboard, or motherboard is represented as a red square shape. It is basically a circuit board or plate with many input slots in it. Its usual location is on one side of the computer case, where there is enough space for other parts which will be directly placed on it. The PSU, HDD and DVD are connected with the mainboard with wires, while other parts are directly pinned in the motherboard, like the parts we are to arrange next.
6. The processor is represented with a light blue square. It is pinned in the mainbiard in an easily recognizable place, but pinning it is not very easy, as processors and motherboards vary one from another. The processor function is to calculate. The faster processor, the faster calculation, the faster loading and running programs.
7. The RAM, or Random Access Memory, or simply memory is represented with teal long cuboid. It is usually pinned in the Mainboard at the specified slots. The function of the RAM is to store temporal information, which the computer use in the present, when running programs. This means the computer do not save the temporal information on the hard drive, thus limiting the usage of HDD drive. Imagine temporal information like all the operations we make to solve a square equation. When we are done, we do not need all the calculations but just the solution.
8. The rest 3 devices are pinned in the mainboard with access to the back panel and they are Sound card to generate sound, videocard to make what appear on the monitor and a LAN card to have access to the internet...